Genetics, what does it mean?

I believe we are all restricted by genetics to varying degrees.

It’s a shame but it doesn’t stop us from being the best we can be. This is easier said than done and many think they are but in reality, aren’t!

We are also restricted by knowledge, will power, lifestyle and wealth...sad but true

let’s loose the word 'genetics' here guys. Let use the word potential instead.

Some people are 5ft tall while some are 7ft tall, some are fat, and some are thin. My mate doesn’t train biceps, yet he has massive biceps. Any one ever known someone when they were at school that was ripped and massive without even touching a dumbbell? Yep they probably only ever ate shit as well! These are the guys that go on to be huge.

Look at the size of Arnold at 16 yrs old!!!!!!!! He had to go on to be massive and he did! He did have dedication oh yes, and someone who is dedicated will go on to be the best THEY can be just like he did. But his potential was better than the rest at that time. Look at the mans waist....It doesn’t matter what we strive for; many of us will never have a waist like that!

The shape of a muscle is determined by so many factors. I have long muscle bellies which isn’t great. The only way I can peak my arms is to site inject. I have one side of my body bigger on the arms and lat due to the years I have spent in my day job. Try as I might, it never evens out.

Some of us have good parts while other parts are lagging, that’s the way it is. Yes we can help bring these parts up but it never gets them to the standard of our good parts.

My point is that some of us have more potential than others to grow, stay lean or have freaky body parts. Guys like Jay Cutler have it all, they are lucky and that’s why they have perfect symmetry and are 300lbs+ at less than 30 yrs of age. These guys still have to have the determination of Arnold combined with year in/out consistency and gear/ nutrition advise as well as top coaches training them to be where they are.

I tell you now that if I were to be under the supervision of Chad Nichols, Charles Glass, Dave Pulumbo and Milos Sarcev for ten years with unlimited gear and food, I still would not make top 6 at Olympia. I would be an f'ing good pro, but it would be the best I can be.

I am not trying to be sceptical, rather realistic. Yes we are held back by our lifestyles and own laziness or even lack of motivation, but many of us even having the perfect environment wouldn’t be the best.

Paul Borreson was the most educated, motivated, passionate man I ever met regarding bodybuilding but even he recognised his limitations. It never stopped him trying to overcome this which is what made him one of the biggest names in the sport. That’s what I admire in a bodybuilder, and that’s what makes us the best we can be.



Well bugger me with a barbell!!! 100 rep chest work out

I think the powers that be were trying to tell me something this week!

1 Inspiration started with reading Cookies post on training routines, I remembered back to the old days when me and the guys used to do 3x100reps on calf raises. We used to be shattered from this and would always spend around two days walking bent legged, up on tip toes!

2 The next sign from above was in reading New Users journal. He said that he was set a challenge to see how many reps he could complete whilst benching 100kg

3 When I walked into the office at the gym this evening divine light struck me a third time when Harold told me he had been using Jay Cutlers rest pause technique for his chest, accumulating nearly 100 reps in the process!

Three times now I had been told to rep my way to heaven and back so I could do nothing but get on with it so as to not defy the all and powerful lord (NO NOT VEX!)

I'm currently as clean as a pair of Justin Timberlake’s pants so I thought it would be a good measure of my true abilities. So, I started off by stepping up to the plate with NU and see what I can do.....Warmed up with 60kg for two sets of 20 reps and then loaded the bar with 100kg.....

I usually rep 140kg flat for around 8 so I was confident I would get lots out with 100kg....Not a fu**ing chance ladies and gents. I used Cookies method of lowering the bar to my chin/neck and only managed 25 full reps! This was poor by my estimations so I rested 10 secs and pushed another.....5 pathetic reps!

Off came the plates and I was down to 60kg, 10reps (bugger) 5 seconds, another 10(wake up you useless piece of excrement)

Down to 40kg, got 25 completed, 10 more seconds and completed the final 25.....My goodness I was spent! It was like being thirteen years old again after just discovering Men Only magazine

On to the incline press for a triple drop set 80kg 10reps, 40kg 10reps and 20kg another 10reps.

Swiftly on to the incline dumbbells for another triple drop. My chest was begging me for a rest so I allowed myself a warm up on 20kg dumbbells for 10reps or so. Then the real set....50kg dumbbells for 6, 35kg for 8, 20kg for 10, rest then another 6 or so.

I was now sporting a chest that would make Katie Price (Jordan) jealous! If I had time I would have taken five minutes to play with them, instead I...

Moved onto the cable cross over and repped with no drops for 100 with maybe three or four 5 second pauses.

Goodness gracious, golly gosh I'm a hero folks, autographs later LOL

In all seriousness that was fun people. Try it yourself or something similar, you will be surprised at how low your poundage’s will drop!



Oh my God, my anus has almost prolapsed! 100 rep leg press part 2

So, following up on the chest work out, I felt kind of strong today as I walked into the gym!

It was quads day today so I decided it best to go hell for leather as there was a few fit bits of Minge in the gym

all I did was leg press followed by extensions as my hams were still sore from Tuesday.

Starting with the presses I racked 200kg for a warm up of 30 reps or so. This got the blood pumping well but my knees are playing me up a little lately so I had to raise my feet on the foot plate somewhat to ease them a sufficiently.

Up to280kg for 12reps, 360kg for 10 reps and finally 440kg for eight excruciating reps.

My goodness, I swear I was an inch shorter after that set...but that wasn't enough, oh no!

Trying to prove a point about high reps is always hard in my gym but no one agrees with me. Maybe that’s why at competition time they all lack separation and detail (all be it huge) in their thighs.

Well I had done my low rep heavy bit already, now it was time to do the real work!

I lowered the weight to 240 kg and repped towards oblivion. Then I waited for a few seconds before I started my matrix set.

Matrix? I hear.

Matrix is like the old 21's on biceps. Remember 7 full reps, 7 half up and 7 half down. Well, it’s similar but I used tens, 10 full, 10 half up, 10 half down and 10 full. After a short pause I repped out again to achieve around 100 reps over the whole set.

I only needed 3x20 reps on the extensions to finish my thighs off, that was it.

I dare you all to try matrix at the end of your work outs, it’s a phucker that’s for sure.

Sorry if this post is boring but I'm tired and I've been standing on a night club door with sore, week legs all evening!
