When I was Eleven years old, I had two goldfish that I somehow managed to win at the local fair. I put one of the fish into a large glass tank and the other into a small glass bowl. My step father had assured me that if they mated, I would have to kill the babies for fear of being overrun by gold fish. The only answer was to keep the fish separate for their own good.
The fish lived together side by side on the chest of drawers in my bedroom. I fed them the same food at the same time of day. I changed their water at the same time. Looking back everything but the size of the tanks was constant.
Three months later and a quick look into the tank I saw two very different fish. The fish Billy in the large tank was at least twice the size of the fish in the smaller bowl. At this point I started to give Billy more food than Willy and the size gap kept on increasing.
Nature was teaching me a valuable lesson. A lesson that would not truly sink home for another eighteen years.
People often ask how I can make dramatic mass changes on the individuals that seek my help in such short periods of time. My answer is to put them in bigger tanks!
People in China have less space than people in Australia. The Chinese people are typically small and the ausies typically big and strong. A fifth of the worlds population lives in China, millions of fish crammed into one tank with little or no room to grow. Twins are typically smaller babies than those of us born alone. The examples are endless and everywhere in every aspect of nature. Nature holds all the clues to physical success. All we have to do is open our eyes and realize what we are being shown.
The boundaries that hold us are not simply the walls around us. The concept of the fish tank can be expanded into every factor that effects our lives.
Take two identical fish and place them identical large tanks but fill one tank to the brim and the other to a third full. The full tank will generate the largest fish. Now fill both tanks to the brim but give one fish less food the fish who eats the food will be the largest. Give both fish the same quantity of food but improve one of their diets through effective supplementation the same occurs.
Take this further, your body reaches a weight at which it is comfortable and then resist further increases. If you take a bodybuilder and diet them down to 30lb then return to normal eating they will grow like never before. This is because you have decreased the size of the fish in the same size tank giving it stimulus to grow. All you do is change the growth from fat to muscle.
This is why we grow so well after pre-contest diet. We soak up nutrients like a sponge. This is why I don't believe in coming off gear after a diet. This is a short period of massive response when you should bang down the androgens and then rest, four weeks later when your ability to expand into your environment has settled back to normal.
This gives us incredible control over our physical destinies. We have two powerful versions of the same strategy that literally make putting on mass child's play.
Either we keep everything constant and create room for our current physiques to grow into, Or we increase the size of our fish tanks making environmental room for this growth.
Send us someone who is doing everything wrong. Fat, small, not eating enough protein, not taking the micro nutrients, over training , under resting and in these instances with positive changes we can guarantee changes on a daily basis. By taking these small fish and placing them in a large tank they very quickly start growing into big fish.
hese people literally gain ten to fifteen pounds in the first ten days of making the changers. The best possible starting place for anyone not fully aware of our strategy and approach is the video. Wayne Tancok is a top competitor and he said that after watching the video he could not sleep. All the facts racing around in his head. Wayne, a paragon of total commitment came to see us the next day and has restructured his approach and making ridiculous gains within days of making these changes. Wayne is now a big fish in an even bigger tank.
My training partner Thames Downs strongest man Kevin Dennis always had reasonable arms but he hammered them with eight or nine sets for each of biceps and triceps. Within 15 days of training together he gained 7/8 of an inch and his guns are beyond freaky. Why could such an advanced bodybuilder gain so much in such a short space of time. The reality of the situation is that he was over training and this was the walls of his fish tank.
By cutting back on the workout volume and increasing the intensity we stimulate a massive uptake of nutrients in the muscle area and boom, awesome guns.
Returning to the two strategies the obvious way is to diet down a stone and in doing so create the vacuum for growth.
Better still increase the size of your fish tank by analyzing every aspect of your training, nutrition, rest and pharmacology. This is what we do . This is why the videos so important it has almost three hours of information on how to eliminate these limiting factors.
Start simple assume that less training is better than more. Its is clearly better to under train than over train. So reduce the volume down to a level that you are certain you can recover from.
Increase your protein quantity to an unreasonable amount to be absolutely sure you have enough available every minute of every day. Remember excess protein simply gets converted in carbs. Pack down the micro UXB aminos the lot make damn sure nothing is in short supply for one second of one hour of one day. Working within your budget take supplements you know from proven studies work. Like Shuttle iv Ice, Guardian Create the ultimate climate for mass growth.
This is what the monthly planner does, THE DANGEROUS LIFEFORM PACK it ensures the climate for total growth every minute if every day.
Rest! Get eight or nine hours sleep a night and use products like GABA to enhance the quality of you sleep.
hink about every factor to increase the size of your personal fish tank. Then watch yourself grow to fill the space.
arry it through life.
What is the most productive thing I could do right now?
This is a hard task to master because the demands of body building are twenty four hours a day. Should you have protein drink, take some UXB, have a nap. Of course you must build your system around your lifestyle. Each of us must earn a living and have time for our families. Yet even this is a limiting factor. Taking time our for your family may well be the single most productive thing you could do right now.
Obsession is itself a limiting factor almost as bad as not eating or sleeping. To be successful you must be the one in control steering yourself towards your personal goals.
A lot to think about and this article will form the foundation of future series of articles on understanding the fundamental philosophy of growing.
Note: this is a reworked version of an article published by Paul 5 years ago and shows how forward thinking he was at that time.

Paul Borreson  
