This stack is advanced as you can get at this stage of development. Insulin really is the in thing at the moment. Aside from the inherent dangers we would like to expand a little on our understanding of this hormone.

Generally people feel that insulin is reasonable for controlling the conversion of blood sugar into glycogen. This is true but only a part of the truth. Insulin is better described as a storage hormone. It drives us to store certain nutrients. Carbohydrates are one of them but insulin also causes us to store fats and protein and even water.

This is why it makes up grow by driving up the need to store protein we build muscle. This was discovered sometime ago. The problem was that the bodybuilders using insulin also stored a considerable amount of fat

The trick is to somehow get the benefit of the protein strong effect but to loose the fat storing effect This is why growth hormone was combined with insulin. However using adequate insulin for maximum results outstrips the fat removal effect of HG.

Bodybuilder for the most part resorted to thyroid. Thyroid is possibly the most miss-understood drug by athletes. It is highly anabolic in it's own right. This drug controls you metabolism the rate at which those sub cellular mitochondria work. The work pace of our cellular factories. Increase thyroid means increase protein synthesis.

This thyroid insulin combination works for a while.

There are two common forms of thyroid T4 and T3. The first has four iodine molecules and the second has just three. The body uses an enzyme to convert T4 into T3 and this is the main active hormone.

Bodybuilders took both on the whole thought T3 is more active.

The problem arises because of the increase in metabolic rate which give rise to an increase in body temperature. This is detected by the body which then corrects the situation it does so by regulating it's own supply of T4 it's conversion to T3 and T3 breakdown.

This means that thyroid supplementation had to be substitution and not addictive. What we meant by this is that you can not increase your natural production slightly your must totally replace it and increase from there. This has big downsides. When you stop the thyroid it take 8 weeks for you body to re-adjust and get itself straight.

I have seen a few bodybuilder who blow up like balloons after they compete. This is the most common reason. DNP mentioned earlier would have been a better metabolism boosting effect but not have the correction issue to the same degree. Your body would try to composite by adjusting thyroid levels but the DNP mechanism is different. It works by what is called oxidative uncoupling of certain key enzymes.

School is still out on DNP there are big downsides as yet not mentioned by this book but will follow shortly. Nevertheless, a high insulin stack is clearly going to make a difference.

The classic way to minimize fat is with GH and thyroid I see DNP as the logical next step in this process.

This stack involves the foundation of a solid gear course. On top of this insulin is taken at a dose of 1iu per 10kg bodyweight every four hours. It is important that the insulin used is the humilin act rapid R or if not available the humilin act rapid S. These are fast acting and easier to control that the long acting's

If you use R it peeks in 30 minutes if you use S it peeks in 120 minutes. At the instant of peek consume 10g of carbohydrate per 10iu of insulin. For example a 100kg man would use 10iu of insulin and need to consume 100g of carbohydrates at the peek time.

The form of carbohydrates should be a maltodextrin or something easy to get down. his is a higher carbohydrate stack but with added insulin you cannot avoid it. I also take 50 grams of whey at these peek meals.

The programme is then backed up by two 3.6iu HG shots one after training and a second in the middle of the night.

The general way is to take 50mcg of T3 and 200mcg of T4 at the same time in the middle of the night.

Paul Borreson  
