Reassessment Of The Off Season
p>The scene is not hard to picture, the show is over, you did or didn't achieve your dreams and now all you want to do is rest and forget about the gym, diets and cardio. You have got some serious food cravings to satisfy and the thought of taking about 2 months off seems all of a sudden very, very attractive.
Well, time for a wake up call I'm afraid guys, next year is closer than you think. The opposition gets tougher every year and without a continuing strategy to plot you through the "off season" you ain't going to be basking in the sound of a winners applause unless you are in the happy situation of having the genetics of a Ronnie Coleman.
Lets just have a quick look at how the year starts to plan out. Say you competed mid September with a view to qualifying for the Britain in October and being harsh lets assume that you didn't quite make the finals (the timing becomes worse if you did make it through). If you decide to take October out and come back in November you will need to start fairly quietly at first and wont be really steaming until the middle of the month. December brings Christmas and the lead in to the New Year and the chances are you will take some time out over this period.
All of a sudden we are in January, if you are thinking of competing again around the same time of year (September) you will probably be thinking of starting your diet in June. That gives 5 or 6 months of off season work to make the adjustments to your physique you believe may be necessary. 5 or 6 months, that isn't long and takes no account of illness or holidays.
I suggest that almost before the show is over you need some sort of plan that will make the most of the time available. This will almost certainly factor in a rest period to help you recover from the diet but it can't be some form of arbitrary approach. The quality of the competition is far to good to leave things to chance.
The phrase "off season" seems to suggest an easy ride whereas nothing could be further from the truth. This is the time where the real balls to wall work outs will take place. Your diet will obviously be very different from pre show but it still needs to have some thought behind it to help you arrive at your chosen body weight and body fat levels before the Turkey and Broccoli regime starts all over again.
The exact cycling of your training and supplementation needs to be considered along with your available income for the year and things such as working commitments.
If you are performance enhanced this side of your program needs looking at.
Every one of these aspects is worthy of an in depth article in itself but at this stage I am simply looking to put out a wake up call and get you thinking about progress for the coming year.
There really is no off season at all any more and the person who appreciates this and responds to the challenge by applying similar dedication at this time as they do pre show will beat you every time if you spend to much time drifting without plans on how to achieve your goals.
Paul Ehren